Marketing terms starting with the Letter L

Lanham Act

Federal trademark law.


A drawing that indicates the relative positions of the elements (e.g., headline, photo, logo, body copy, etc.) of an ad.


The space between lines of type.


A premium left with prospective customers by a sales person, to remind them of the product or service being sold.




A printing method that stamps ink onto paper, using raised lettering.

Lifestyle segmentation

Separating consumers into groups, based on their hobbies, interests, and other aspects of their lifestyles.


Refers to the size of an ad, based on the number of lines of type taken up by the ad.

Line conversion

A high-contrast reproduction of an illustration, where all shading is reduced to either black or white.

List broker

An agent who sells lists of sales prospects.


A printing method in which the printing and non-printing areas exist on the same plane, as opposed to a bi-leveled reproduction.


Local advertising

  • Advertising to a local merchant or business as opposed to regional or national advertising.
  • Advertising placed at rates available to local merchants.

Local rate

An advertising rate charged to a local advertiser, typically a retailer, by local media and publications, as distinguished from a national rate that is charged to a national advertiser, typically a manufacturer.

A brand name, publication title, or the like, presented in a special lettering style or typeface and used in the manner of a trademark.

Loss leader

A retail item advertised at an invitingly low price in order to attract customers for the purchase of other, more profitable merchandise.


A scheme in which making a required purchase gives a person a chance to win a prize which is awarded at random, usually through an electronic drawing. Lotteries may not be used as promotion devices under U.S. laws.

Loyalty index

Frequency of listenership of a particular broadcast station.

Landed Cost

The total cost of imported merchandise including price paid, transportation, and crating but prior to customs duties.14

Lay Away

A method of deferred payment in which merchandise is held by the store for the customer until it is completely paid for.14


A contract for the possession of land, buildings, machinery, patents, or some other item of value in return for periodic payment of a certain sum of money.19

Letter of Credit

A letter authorizing the extension of credit or the advance of money to the bearer, who is usually named in the letter. The credit or advance is charged to the person issuing the letter.19

An easy pattern for international payment where the buyer guides his home country bank to create a credit with the sellers of home country bank where the document are sent and the payment is received accordingly


The sale of the right to use some process, trademark, patent, or other item for a fee or royalty.

Line Extension

A new product which is a variation on a product already offered. This new product is introduced in order to exploit the equity already built up in other product(s) in the line and/or as a competitive reaction to the strategies of other firms in a market.

List Price

The price shown on the sales list of the seller. It is used as the basis from which discounts may be computed for various classes of buyers.

Local Advertising

Advertising appearing in one or more specific localities as distinguished from regional or national advertising.

Locker Stock

The shipment by a manufacturer or wholesaler of extra inventory which is held in a store’s central warehouse unopened. As soon as the buyer needs any item held in locker stock, payment becomes due to the vendor for the entire shipment.

Loss Leader

Merchandise sold at a loss to attract customers.

Last Issue Readership

Estimated number of people who claimed to have read or looked at any issue of a publication during its Last Issue Period. It is almost always synonymous with Average Issue Readership.


An expression used in advertising research to describe a population in terms of its members’ work and free time, what they eat, drink, wear, read, prefer to watch on TV, their attitudes etc.


Basically, it is a thumbs up on Facebook. McDonald’s Facebook page has 80 million likes.

Load Factor

The average number of person riding in each vehicle. A numerical factor reflecting average number of passengers in a car which is applied to vehicle counts at advertising structure locations, that translate vehicle counts into potential audience counts.

Languages – Can Read

All the languages that a person can read as well as understand.

Listing Questionnaire

It is a very short questionnaire where the basic details are (mostly demographic) recorded for screening respondents into categories. It is usually administered to a larger sample size than the detailed/main questionnaire. The listing questionnaire helps us to identify the target respondent for the project.

Leased Line

Refers to line such as telephone line or fiber-optic cable that is rented for an exclusive use by an organization. This allows faster data transfer.


A highlighted word or picture within a hypertext document that when clicked bring you to another place within the document or to another document altogether.

A link is an URL that when clicked populates a set of information that could be showed in social media.


The act of connecting to a computer system by giving credentials, usually with “username” and “password.”

Landing Page

A landing page is the advertiser’s web page to which a user is directed after clicking an ad. For affiliate, CPL and CPA sales, it is important that the landing page is one which entices users to immediately purchase a product or service, rather than simply the home page of the advertising site.


A lead indicates a potential customer who has expressed interest in a product or service, generally by means of requesting additional information or following through on an online registration. Some affiliate programs pay on a CPL, or Cost Per Lead, basis.


The distance in degrees north and south from the equator. These lines run laterally (horizontally) around the globe and parallel to the equator. One minute of latitude equals one nautical mile.


The distance in degrees east and west from the prime meridian established in Greenwich, England. These lines run vertically around the globe and connect the poles.


A lead refers to a potential customer which exhibits interest in service or product.

Lead generation

Lead generation means generating potential customers through methods such as content marketing, advertising, referrals and sponsors through yellow pages etc. Lead generation is also done through blogging, cold calling, affiliate marketing, recommendations etc. Lead generation is nothing but generating a individual or a customer who is potential enough to take our product or service. Tools generate leads by analyzing which group of customers can be potential for the sale of goods or service

Lead nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of developing long term relationship with customers by utilizing different marketing techniques and developing a preference through products or services.

Lead qualification

Lead qualification is the process of understanding whether a potential customer has the qualities such as purchasing ability, higher brand loyalty etc.

Lead scoring

Lead scoring means assigning a relative value to each leads with the aim of ranking leads for engagement priority.


Key takeaways from a specific activity


Leverage refers to the optimal or maximum usage of a particular input

Lifetime value (LTV)

LTV or life time value of customers is the total value from the business perspective in terms of revenue before churns.


Last in first out is a principle were recently produced items are sold first.


LinkedIn is a social platform which is designed mainly for professional networking. It is a social media platform exclusively designed for business professionals. It helps you to share work related posts and keep other professionals in contact.

LinkedIn advertising

Linked in ads typically yield high quality leads and offer larger niche targeting option making them an ideal solution for most entities.


An important graphic mark that is used to identify a brand/company. The logo must be unique to create awareness among customers.

Loss aversion

Loss aversion refers to the psychological effect where people feel negatively about losing a sum of money than they do (positively) from gaining the same amount.

Low-hanging fruit or Lowest Hanging Fruit

Low hanging fruits are prospective customers who require the lest effort to get converted into customers.


Something that produces a great deal of revenue or profit

Landing page

Landing page is a web page where you immediately land on after clicking an URL from an email /ad or any digital location. 

LSI (latent semantic indexing)

LSI is a method of analyzing a set of documents in order to discover statistical co-occurrence of words that appear together which then give insight into the topics of those words and documents.


Lead in marketing terminology refers to contact with a potential customer. The primary goal of any company is to generate as many leads as possible. 

Link profile

When a lot of makeup of links direct to your site that is called a link profile.

Link network

Link network are groups of sites that are connected. They are owned by a single or multiple people.

Lookalike audience

It is a way of making your ads reachable to new customers who can be likely interested in your ads because they share similar feature to your existing customers.

Long tail keyword:

Keywords that consists of three to five words. These keywords are more specific than generic terms they allows you to target niche demographics.


A tax given by a public authority in order to have specific objectives


Having an authority for a particular organization to maintain co-operation with the foreign operations which also gives authority for the firm to use foreign production, materials, trademark

Local products

Products and services having only 1 market

Low context culture

Focuses on the verbal and written communication instead of implied communication format

Lead magnet

A specific deliverable that is offered to prospects in return for contact information, typically to join an email list

Like gate

A barrier requiring a user to “like” a known page before they’ll access the bound that are contents from that brand on facebook

Link building

The process of increasing the number of inbound links to a website in a way that will increase search engine rankings

Link checker/1tool

That is/1used to check for broken hyperlinks

Link popularity

The percentage of the amount of quantity and quality in sites that link to your web site

Link text

The text that contains in a hyperlink


A piece of content that is created as the first purpose of attracting arriving/inbound links

Log file

File that records any activities on an online server

Long domain name

Domain names that are/1longer than the original 26 characters, up to a theoretical limit of 67 characters

Loyalty Marketing

Loyalty Marketing is marketing that concentrates on retaining customers through offering various incentives. A core objective is to ensure customers stay true to your brand and value your offering over and above the competition.

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