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Core Web Vitals Optimisation

What exactly are the Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are page experience markers that assess a website’s user experience. In simple words, these indications indicate how quickly consumers will be able to interact with your website and the type of outcome they will receive. Your page experienced scores will improve if you improve user experience and make your website better in general.

There are the three metrics used in Core Web Vitals:
1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a metric that counts how quickly the largest element (pictures, videos, animations, text, etc.) on a website can load and appear.
2. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) ensures that a website’s pages are free of unexpected, unexpected motions that could distract viewers from reading the information.
3. First Input Delay (FID) measures how responsive a website’s pages are the first time a user interacts with them. It also determines how quickly the website can provide results to visitors.
Are Core Web Vitals important for SEO?

The relationship between the Core Web Vitals and SEO was discussed in a video provided by Google. They highlighted in the video that good content is still king. Simultaneously, the Core Web Vitals elevate the value of overall user experience as a ranking criterion.

As a result, optimising for the Core Web Vitals can make a major difference if you’re trying to rank in a space where information quality is generally the same. It’s Important to remember that great content is still the best thing for your website.

Simply said, good Core Web Vitals involves far more than SEO. It’s all about improving the user experience, which is something that every website owner should aim for.

5 ways to Improve Core Web Vitals for your Website

You should run a brief test of website performance analysis to see how well your website operates in terms of core web vitals. You can do this with various tools available on the internet like Google Search Console and Page Speed Insights, as well as alternative tools like GTmetrix.

It’s always better to compare data and to upgrade your page more efficiently with multiple tools.

1. Reduce JavaScript (JS) execution

If your FID score is low, it means that your page interacts with users for more than 300 milliseconds and that is slow. You should think about optimising and minimising your JS execution. This will reduce the time it takes for your browser to execute JS code and will display the page faster.

It’s also very important to consume as little memory as possible. It is because when your site’s code sends a request to the browser, it creates a new memory block. This disables JavaScript and may cause the page to load slowly.

Cutting out unused JS, according to Google, is one approach to reduce the execution time.

When you know out how much JS you have to reduce, you should start cutting it down. This can be done in a variety of ways like code splitting. This involves breaking up a JavaScript bundle (a collection of files bundled together to prevent making too many HTTP requests to load a website) into smaller chunks.

2. Implement the lazy loading

If you use photos on your site, it’s essential to use lazy loading to protect your site’s UX and core web vitals score. Lazy loading allows you to load images at the precise moment when viewers scroll down the page, preserving the website’s loading speed and ensuring a top-notch LCP score.

The following are some additional advantages of lazy loading: 

  • Your site’s performance will be improved.
  • It will limit the amount of bandwidth used.
  • It will keep your visitors on the page and lower the bounce rate
  • Therefore, improving your site’s SEO.

Is it worth it for your website to have a lazy loading option? According to HubSpot, lazy loading is necessary for pages with a lot of graphics, animations, or videos (called heavy elements). However, there are no hard and fast criteria for which pages should use lazy loading. If your site’s LCP score is low, you might consider implementing lazy loading and comparing the results before and after.

3. Optimize and compress images

Don’t you believe it’s self-evident? On the other hand, for many websites, images are the most significant component. That is why optimizing them is essential since it may reduce your page’s loading time, LCP score, UX, and search engine rankings significantly.

By compressing photos with tiny jpg and increasing your LCP performance, you may lower the entire page size. You may have an idea that image compression reduces image quality or reduces resolution. But you can only notice the difference when you zoom in or if the image is stored in the incorrect format. It is suggested to save landscape photographs in jpg format and graphics in png format. Next-generation formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP can also be used, however, it is recommended to conduct some research first.

Aside from compressing, it’s also necessary to turn on the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for images. A worldwide network of servers that caches your content is known as a (CDN). Because servers are spread across the globe, photos can be served faster from the server nearest to the users.

4. Give correct dimensions for images and embeds

A CLS score of more than 0.1 is a very bad score, and it is typically caused by CSS components that do not have proper dimensions of pictures, ads or embeds. Dimensions are essential to increase your CLS score. Setting the correct width and height allows the browser to provide the appropriate amount of space on the page while the element loads.

For example, if the dimensions of a picture are incorrect, it will normally appear later on a page. While a user is consuming the material, it may suddenly drop due to a picture that was not properly dimensioned, loading too slowly. In this case, the browser could not determine how much space was required for that specific image. To avoid this picture shift, you might set aside a place where the image will be displayed ahead of time. If it’s loaded off-screen, this approach will prevent layout shift.

When you’re adding YouTube videos to your site, you should make sure that the dimensions are correct. The video may appear normal on the back end, but it may appear excessively large or screwed up on the front end. If this is the case, there is a problem with the dimensions, and you should fix it.

5. Improve your server response time

It is often said by Google that the longer a browser takes to get content from the server, the longer it takes to render anything on the screen. Every single page-load metric, including LCP, is directly improved by a faster server response time.”

Most significantly, a long server response time can harm not just your SEO but also your user experience.

Make use of Time to First Byte (TTFB) to know about server response time. This metric determines when the user’s web browser receives the first byte of your page’s content.

Gather statistics on how your server is performing before you begin to make changes. Here are some pointers to consider when you’ve completed the report:

  • Determine how quick your site hosting is.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) for faster content delivery.
  • Take a look at your plugins. Why? It’s because each plugin adds more weight to your page, which might slow down your website’s speed. Only the essentials are left.’

The response time of a server should be less than 600 milliseconds.


You must start working on Core Web Vitals now. Since vitals data are accessible, utilise the tools listed above to compare the results of your site before and after the mistakes are fixed.

Remember that the back end of your website interacts with the front end, so make sure the back end is optimised to deliver the best user experience in terms of loading speed, visual stability, and interactivity. It would also help if you remembered Google’s existing search signals, such as mobile-friendliness, secure surfing, HTTPS, and invasive interstitial standards.

“As a predominantly back-end optimization, lowering TTFB can complement your front-end work to dramatically increase performance,” according to GTmetrix.

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