According to the researcher Wielki,J. (2020) , digital media has been the buzz since it’s introduction to the market, specially amongst Gen Z.

In the past few years, it has been constantly evolving and hence has been labelled iterative.From the year 2012 to 2018 , the engagement rate shot up from 5 hours 37 minutes to 6 hours 45 minutes per person. The major users who have recorded higher consumption levels are Gen Z users.It is around 7 hours 44 minutes in a regular day. This is for the age range of 16 years to 24 years.

According to the researcher Tudoran , AA, Gen Z is a major chunk of this evolving market of increasing users. For example, in the U.S they accounted for 40% of all consumers in 2020.

He, A. More’s Research Shows that Consumers may Not Always Want Personalized Marketing Experiences. According to Amy He, Gen Z is known as “the first generation of true digital natives”.

This term is associated with them as they do not associate with reality as much as they connect with the virtual world of internet .Their behavioral patterns and priorities differ when compared with previous consumer generations i.e millennial cohorts.

There is a lot of emphasis on personal expression and analytical or proactive decision making.

According to Finch , Bacik and  Francis , they form a well aware set of consumers who are well educated.

They are also connected to brand realities. They believe in sustainable existence and hence environmental concern is prevalent along with optimal consumption according to researchers Kim, A.; McInerney, P.; Rüdiger Smith, T. and Yamakawa, N.


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  • Kim, A.; McInerney, P.; Rüdiger Smith, T.; Yamakawa, N. What Makes Asia-Pacific’s Generation Z different? Mc.Kinsey&Company. 2020. Available online: (28 December 2020).
  • Finch, J. What Is Generation Z, and What Does It Want? Available online: (28 December 2020). 
  • Bačik, R.; Fedorko, R.; Rigelsky, M.; Sroka, M.; Turáková, A. Perceiving the Advertising in Gender-Generational Characteristics. Pol. J. Manag. Stud. 2018, 18, 44-57. 
  • Francis, T.; Hoefel, F. ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and Its Implications for Companies. McKinsey&Company. 2018. Available online: (accessed on 28 December 2020). 
  • Cone Communications. 2017 Cone Gene Z CSR Study: How to Speak Z. Available online: (28 December 2020). 
  • Source : Walrave, M.; Poels, K.; Antheunis, M.L.; Broeck, E.V.D.; Van Noort, G. Like or dislike? Adolescents’ responses to personalized social network site advertising. J. Mark. Commun. 2018, 24, 599-616.
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