Marketing terms starting with the letter J


A short song, usually mentioning a brand or product benefit, used in a commercial.

A programming element such as an anthem or musical song produced by professional studio singers for commercials or radio station promotional announcements.

Jumble display

A mixture of products or brands on a single display, such as a clearance table.


A term with specialized meanings in various industries but which is generally synonymous with wholesaler.7

Joint Venture

An arrangement in which one company shares the risks, posts, and management of a specific business project with another.19,5 A joint venture differs from a partnership in that it is not necessarily conceived of as an ongoing relationship.1

Judgmental selection

Where the starting points are selected judgmentally which will have respondents as required in the study.


A scripting language that allows lines of Java code to be inserted into HTML scripts.

According to Mozilla, Javascript is “a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language.” Javascript is used by over 90 percent of websites (W3Techs).

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

JPEG is most commonly used as a format for image or picture files. JPEG format is preferred to the GIF because of flexibility options.


First released by sun microsystem in 1995 java is one of the mostly used language and computing platform. It is used as a server side long for most backend development projects.

Javascript (JS)

It is an object oriented computer programming language. It is commonly used to create interactive effects within client side and server side.

A scripting language developed by Netscape that is used to create interactive web sites

Joint ventures

An enterprise where there are more than one owner having equal amount of ratio in a business

Jingle Marketing

A jingle is a short, catchy song or tune most commonly used in TV and radio advertising, which contains one or more hooks that explicitly promote the product or service being advertised.

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