Marketing terms starting with the letter K


A premium used to induce a consumer to take some action, such as completing a survey or trying a product.


Spacing between the letters of a word.

Keystone Markup

Doubling the cost to arrive at a price. Thus a men’s clothing store which purchases a suit at $125 and retails it for $250 is “keystoning” it.14


The exact or similar reproduction of another firm’s merchandise.14

Kish Grid Selection

It is a technique used to randomly select an individual from a household for the purpose of administering the “individual” section of the questionnaire. This technique enables proper representation of the universe in a random sample survey.


A small panel available on lampposts or dividers on roads.

Key accounts

Key accounts in business organizations are whale spenders or very important customers which are prioritized due to their spends. They are those clients who have the potential to cause loss or profit of an organization.

Key performance indicators (KPI)

KPI or key performance indicators are relevant and measurable values which indicate whether an organization or individual has succeeded in achieving the target or a desired level of performance.

Keyboard analysis

Analyzing the keywords or a phrase for the purpose of search engine optimization, to make the website appear first in the organic section of the search engine and also the paid ads section is known as keyword analysis

Keystone pricing

Keystone pricing is a method of selling merchandise for double its markup price to make a reasonable profit.


Kickers are bonuses in the monetary form. They are referred to as extra commissions which are offered to motivate sales professionals to exceed targets in a particular market segment.


A particular word or phrase which you type on a search engine and that derives you to your desired result is keyword.

Keyword phrase

A group of two or more words typed on a search engine for getting most relevant result is known as keyword phrase

Keyword density

The percentage of times your keyword/phrase appears on a page is compare to the total number of words on the page. It is often used to check the relevancy of keyword or phrase to the web page result.

Keyword stuffing

When keywords are often repeated multiple time in order to improve page’s ranking in search is refer as keyword stuffing. 

Knowledge graph

A knowledge graph is organized as a graph. It is also a knowledge representation and reasoning that uses graph structure data model.

Knowledge panel

These are the information boxes that appear on Google page that are in knowledge graph.


A word that is used in a performing a search with a concept of great significance.

Giving the result before typing the spelling of a particular word

Keyword density

A proportion of indexable text words

Refers to how often the keyword appears on a web page in regards with the total words on the web page

Keyword marketing

Putting your message in front of people who searches using particular keywords and key phrases

Keyword research

The seek for keywords related to your web site, and the analysis of which ones yield to the outcome in return on investment

Keyword stuffing

Its the excessive, unnatural use of keywords on any web pages/1for computer program improvement functions or any other purposes.

It’s the practice of inserting a larger number of key words into web page content

Keywords tag

Meta tag is used to help in defining the primary keywords of a web page

Keyword phrase

Giving 2 or more words to find the appropriate or any specific information

Knowledge graph

It represents a collection of interlinked descriptions of entitles, objects, events or concepts

Knowledge panel

A graph you see while searching about famous personality, things etc.

Keyword Marketing

Keywords are the words used individually or as part of a ‘keyphrase’ to describe your products and services in the digital medium, as part of your SEO strategy. They are also essential in search marketing and PPC (Pay Per Click) planning and execution.

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