Marketing Terms starting with the letter E

Earned rate

A discounted media rate, based on volume or frequency of media placement.

Electric spectacular

Outdoor signs or billboards composed largely of lighting or other electrical components.


Unit of type measurement, based on the “M” character.


The person who actually uses a product, whether or not they are the one who purchased the product.

Envelope stuffer

A direct mail advertisement included with another mailed message (such as a bill).

Equal time

A Federal Communications Commission requirement that when a broadcaster allows a political candidate broadcast a message, opposing candidates must be offered equal broadcast time.

Eighty-twenty rule

A rule-of-thumb that, for the typical product category, eighty percent of the products sold will be consumed by twenty percent of the customers.


Eccentricity is measured as the angle between the edge of the road to the nearest corner of the hoarding. It is measured in terms of degrees.

Effective Circulation

Estimate of the audience that has an opportunity to see an outdoor poster i.e. occupants of west bound vehicles for an east-facing poster.

End Panel

The advertising structure which is closest to the approaching line of traffic when more than one structure is built in the same facing.

Eye-Level Advertising

Advertisements posted at eye level so that the consumers glance falls at them by default without having to crane their necks.

EPG (Electronic Program Guide)

An interactive list of upcoming TV programming that can be transmitted along with a DTV program.

Eye tracking

A research method that determines what part of an advertisement consumers look at, by tracking the pattern of their eye movements.

E.O.M., R.O.G.

Abbreviation for “End of Month, Receipt of Goods.” This is a form of dating which indicates that the net credit period applies as though the shipment were made at the end of the month. It also indicates that the cash discount period begins upon receipt of the goods by the purchaser.14

80 20 Rule

The common observation that 20% of products or customers often account for 80% of sales. The term is also used to express the view that 20% of the effort on a project often produces 80% of the results.

Elasticity of Demand

The relative responsiveness of sales revenue to particular changes in price. When total revenue falls as prices fall or when revenue rises as prices rise, the demand for the product is said to be relatively price inelastic. When revenue rises as prices fall or when revenue falls as prices rise, demand is said to be relatively elastic.6

Envelope (or Statement) Stuffer

An advertising leaflet, folder, or circular placed in an envelope along with its primary contents, usually an invoice or statement.2

Evoked Set

The range of brands of some product group that is looked upon as true alternatives by the consumer.3

Exclusive Distribution

Selling through only one wholesaler and/or retailer in a particular trading area.18


A scientific method of investigation that is used in marketing research in an attempt to establish cause and effect relationships. Typically, an experimenter manipulates or controls one or more independent variables and observes the effect on a dependent variable. For example, a marketer might manipulate advertising messages (that is, run a different message in equivalent markets) to determine the effects of the advertising messages on sales. In such an experiment, the advertising messages are the independent variables, and sales is the dependent variable.

Effective Frequency

The minimum level of exposure to an advertisement that is likely to produce a positive change in awareness, attitude, or purchasing behavior.

Effective Reach

The reach of a medium or media schedule at a predetermined level of frequency (as opposed to total reach). Usually computed at 1+, 3+, 5+ level of AOTS. (E.g. 45% reach at 3+ AOTS)


The introduction of an advertisement to the target audience. It is generally expressed as opportunity to see (OTS).

Consumers who have seen (or heard) a media vehicle, whether or not they paid attention to it.


The word ‘education’ refers to the level of education the respondent has received.

Exploratory Research

The primary objective of exploratory research is to provide insights into, and an understanding of, the problem at hand. Exploratory research is used when the problem needs to be defined more precisely.

Email (Electronic Mail)

Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. E-mail can also be sent automatically to a large number of addresses.


A means of making data unreadable to everyone except the recipient of a message. Encryption is often used to make the transmission of credit card numbers secure for those who are shopping on the Internet.


A viewing audience for a WWW (World Wide Web) site.

Exclusive Cume

The number of persons who tune only to one station during a day part.


E-commerce is a field platform or environment. Here all transactions take place online.


E-tailing short for electronic retailing, is a sale of goods and services through the internet.

Earned social metrics

Earned social metrics is when communicational programmes are developed and designed to make conversations happen outside the owned social channels that are basically earned and not pitched by the owner

EBITDA earnings

Before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization or EBITDA.

Tt is the accounting standard that large companies use.

Email marketing

Marketing to the right customer with the email strategy and sending them email appropriate on this seasons or interest or offers is very much effective on the sales part of the business. This email strategy could be effectively done using analytical tools and by categorizing/1the interest of the customer in different groups and further is enhanced by emailing them rightfully.

The promotion of merchandise or services via email.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement is the process fo keeping employees committed to organizatiosn and reflects how much are they invested in improving the organizations image or profitability.

End of day (EOD)

Eod is also known as close of business or COB. It ideally means the close of working hours of the day.

Endorsed brand

A sub-brand, or a minor brand that is supported by a major brand. Example: nestle kit kat.

Engagement analysis

Engagement analysis is about measuring how interactive is the audience on the online platforms as well as improving the results with the help of online marketing to improve your brand reach


Enrichment refers to the process of upgrading a product or induces the target beneficiary to have a better experience by deriving deeper meanings, connections or attachments to the product, service or function.


An enterprise is a large organization which is composed of multiple levels, locations or departments. they need multi-layer software systems and also are supportive of large corporation environments.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning or ERP is a seeks to centralize purchasing, shipping and inventory for the process of product planning, fulfillment, HR and more.

Entrepreneur in residence (EIR)

Entrepreneur in residence or EIR is when venture capital firms hire successfully exited founder to deal with flow or diligence.


EOM is an acronym for end of month.


EOQ is an acronym for end of quarter.


EOY is an acronym for end of year.


Equity is referred to common stock, preferred share or any other forms of security which represents the ownership interest in an organization.

Ethical positioning index (EPI)

It is a scale that measures the ethical positioning of a brand, based on identity, image, values, etc.

Everyday low pricing

Everyday low pricing is strategy where the product are sold in a lower price or discounted price to the consumer.


Effective value per thousand impressions.

Email spam

Unwanted email.

Exclusivity contract

Term within which one party grants another party sole rights with respect to a body part business operate.


An electronic magazine, whether or not delivered via an internet website or associate email newssheet.


It is a home country orientation with export surplus production

Exchange rate

The ratio of exchange of currency from one person to another

Email automation

It is a software that sends /receives mail automatically based on preferred triggers

Export credit guarantee fund

It is a facility given by the government treasury and to make sure about the development costs of exports

Export processing zone

It is a zone which is designed or created within the country for an objective of enjoying tax privileges or other status where products and services bought for redesigning


Supplying of goods from home country to another country


A process where an owner of particular place has to surrender his property to the government for political use


Things which are beautiful or unique


An object or a thing which might burst or explode


A tracking metric on Google Analytics for the total number of website visitors who entered on a specific page.

Exit percentage

A tracking metric on Google Analytics for the percentage of people who exit your website through a particular page. It is different from the bounce rate because the exit rate calculates those who may have entered on any website page but excited on that particular page. There is no statistic to share here, but instead a tip. Exit percentage can be a good indicator of where website visitors drop off your site, so track and analyze your pages with the highest exit rates to optimize.

Evangelism Marketing

Get your advocacy bowl overflowing with fanatical customers who become promoters of your brand or product, simply because they love it and the experiences, they are having with it. They will want to represent the brand as if it was part of their own identity.

If you achieve this outcome, it will be because:

  • You have a genuinely fantastic product or service
  • You have created a fantastic brand and story to go with it
  • You are a fantastic marketer who has managed to bring it to the correct market and proven its benefits and value.

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