Marketing terms Starting with the letter H


A method of reproducing a black and white photograph or illustration, by representing various shades of gray as a series of black and white dots.

Hierarchy-of-effects theory

A series of steps by which consumers receive and use information in reaching decisions about what actions they will take (e.g., whether or not to buy a product).

Holding power

The ability to keep an audience throughout a broadcast, rather than having them change channels. It is represented as a percent of the total audience.

Holdover audience

The percent of a program’s audience that watched or listened to the immediately preceding program on the same station. Also called Inherited audience (see below).


A three-dimensional photograph or illustration, created with an optical process that uses lasers.

Horizontal discount

A discount on a media purchase resulting from a promise to advertise over an extended period of time.

Horizontal publications

Business publications designed to appeal to people of similar interests or responsibilities in a variety of companies or industries.

Host/Hostess gift

A gift to a consumer who sponsors a sales demonstration party or meeting.


Hot composition

A method of typesetting that uses molten metal to form the letters for a typeface. See Cold type, above.

House agency

An advertising agency owned and operated by an advertiser, which handles the advertiser’s account.

House organ

A publication owned and operated by an advertiser, and used to promote the advertiser’s products or services.

Households using television (HUT)

The number of households in a given market watching television at a certain time. This term is used by

A.C. Nielsen.


An abbreviation for the “health and beauty aid” product category.14

Hard Goods

This term is sometimes used synonymously with “durable goods,” i.e., consumer goods expected to last longer then three years. It also sometimes refers specifically to consumer durables made principally from metal such as most electrical appliances, automobiles, cutlery, and tools.1

Horizontal Integration

The expansion of a company through the acquisition of other companies engaged in the same stage of production of the same product. An example would be the acquisition of one chain of apparel retailers by another.1

House Agency

An advertising agency offering full or limited service capabilities owned wholly or in part by an advertiser who typically is the agency’s only or most important client.2


A period during a campaign when an advertiser’s schedule is suspended for a time, after which it resumes.

HH (Household)

A private household consists of either one person living alone or a group of persons who are related by blood, marriage or adoption, commonly staying together and sharing food from the same kitchen. (Two or more friends/ colleagues living together in a house will not be considered a household. Servants and paying guests or Hostels will not be included in households.)

HS (Household Size)

The total number of members in the household staying and sharing food from a common kitchen is known as the household size. It includes children of all ages by excludes servants and guests.


The person in the household who takes decisions with regard to purchase o household commodities normally listed in the provision list.

  • Need not always decide on the brands.
  • Need not always physically go the shop to buy these products; the housewife may only be suggesting the requirements while someone else implements it.
  • Housewife may be a male or female.

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

The protocol for moving hypertext files across the internet.


Generally, any text that contains links to other documents – words or phrases in the document that can be chosen by a reader and which cause another document to be retrieved and displayed.

HAN (Home-Area Network)

A network contained within a user’s home that connects a person’s digital devices.


The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.


As used in reference to the World Wide Web. Hit means a single request from a web browser for a single item from a web server; thus in order for a web browser to display a page that contains three graphics, four hits would occur at the server: 1 for the HTML page, and one for each of the 3 graphics.

Home Page (or Homepage)

Originally, it is the web page that your browser is set to use when it starts up. The more common meaning refers to the main web page for a business, organization, person or simply the main page out of a collection of web pages.

HSIA (High Speed Internet Access)

Broadband internet coverage with speeds in excess of 256 Kilobytes Per Second (KBPS).

HTML (HyperText Markup Languages)

The coding language used to create Hypertext documents for use on the World Wide Web.


A poster panel or painted bulletin located so that it directly faces approaching traffic.


High Definition TV. The highest quality digital television, generally widescreen 16:9. It consists of either 1080 interlaced or 720 progressively scanned lines of resolution and includes the ability to transmit digital surround sound. Note that HDTV and DTV is not the same thing — HDTV is one format of DTV

Hidden gem

Hidden gems refers to something that is unique

High speed retail

High speed retail practice speeds up the customers shopping experience, it entails prompt and fast delivery of goods and services to customers.


A deliberately fabricated falsehood


This reflects interconnectivity and is characterized by belief only with reference to a whole.


Horizontal means a specific offering or opportunity in the market.


A word or a button within a file on your computer which can help you to go to other document or image.

HARO (help a reporter out)

It is an online service for journalists to obtain directly from the public.


It is a symbol ‘#’/1used in social media as a way for tagging content for users and find something related information


It is the top portion of a webpage that contains logo, menu etc

Header code

On any websites a certain code is placed in universal header section so that it can be accessible across all pages of the website at any time.

Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

Header tags are used in hypertext markup language for categorizing text headings on a web page.


It is used to display important titles on any web pages only once


Used to display major subtopics of a web page


Any subtopics can be added beneath h2


It is a software that gives a graphical representation of how users interact on your sites like where you click, how you scroll


It stands for hypertext markup language. It is a set of codes that tells a web browser how to display a webpage and each code is known as tag


It stands for hypertext transfer protocol./1It is a protocol that is used by the world wide web to define how the data is formatted and transmitted in response to a command.


It stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure. It iss a secured version of http, where it is used to define how data is formatted and transmitted across the web.


A mechanism which prevents from risk and barriers of decline in market with commodity or avoids risks which can affect the market in future

High context culture

A conversation which doesn’t gives much of importance on verbal or non-verbal communication


A graphical illustration of knowledge wherever variable degrees of one metric are shown exploitation colors

Hit request

Of a file from a web server

House ad

Self-promotional ad of an organization that runs on their own site/network to use unsold inventory

HTML banner

A banner ad exploitation of markup language parts, usually as well as interactive forms rather than (or additionally to) normal graphical parts

HTML email

Email that’s formatted exploitation to machine-readable text nomenclature, as critical plain text email

Hybrid model

It’s a combination of 2 or more of on-line selling payment models

Impression it is a single instance of a web ad being displayed

Horizontal Marketing

Horizontal Marketing is the collaboration and sharing of resources between a business and another company that operates in a related niche to market a product or service.

H2H (Human to Human) Marketing

H2H Marketing focuses on engaging with prospects, to build and nurture relationships rather than purely focusing on conversions. The need to make customers feel important features greatly in order for them to truly consider you as a contender for their purchase and later, loyalty.

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