A type of marketing in which a company adapts itself to uncontrollable factors within the industry.
Mail-in premium
A premium obtained by mailing in a suitable response to the manufacturer or distributor, with or without money.
Mail-order advertising
Advertising which supplies paperwork for the purpose of soliciting a purchase made through the mail.
Make good
- To present a commercial announcement after it’s scheduled time because of an error.
- To rerun a commercial announcement because of technical difficulties the previous time it was run.
- To rerun a print advertisement due to similar circumstances.
Marginal analysis
Technique of setting the advertising budget by assuming the point at which an additional dollar spent on advertising equals additional profit.
Market profile
A summary of the characteristics of a market, including information of typical purchasers and competitors, and often general information on the economy and retailing patterns of an area.
Market segmentation
To divide a market by a strategy directed at gaining a major portion of sales to a subgroup in a category, rather than a more limited share of purchases by all category users.
Market share
The percentage of a product category’s sales, in terms of dollars or units, obtained by a brand, line, or company.
Marketing firm
A business that affects the distribution and sales of goods and services from producer to consumer; including products or service development, pricing, packaging, advertising, merchandising, and distribution.
Marketing mix
The levels and interplay of the elements of a product’s or service’s marketing efforts, including product features, pricing, packaging, advertising, merchandising, distribution, and marketing budget; especially as these elements affect sales results.
Marketing research
The systematic gathering, recording, analyzing, and use of data relating to the transfer and sale of goods and services from producer to consumer.
Master tape
An edited audio tape or video tape to be recorded on quantity prints or dubs.
The FTC theoretically will not regulate a deceptive advertisement unless the deceptive claim is also material. This means, in simple terms, that the claim must be important to consumers, rather than trivial. The FTC requires that the deception be likely to affect consumers’ “choice of, or conduct regarding, a product.”
Matte shot
A camera shot made with a matte or mask in part of the frame to allow another shot to be printed in the opaque area.
Mechanical (paste-up)
A finished layout that is photographed for offset printing.
Media buying service
Agency that specializes in the services of media buying.
Media concentration theory
Technique of scheduling media that involves buying space in one medium only and developing strength through concentration.
Media dominance theory
Technique of scheduling media that involves buying a large amount of space in one medium, and shifting to another medium after achieving optimum coverage and frequency.
Media plan
A plan designed to select the proper demographics for an advertising campaign through proper media selection.
Media strategy
A plan of action by an advertiser for bringing advertising messages to the attention of consumers through the use of appropriate media.
Medium (plural, Media)
A vehicle or group of vehicles used to convey information, news, entertainment, and advertising messages to an audience. These include television, cable television, magazines, radio, billboards, etc.
Merchandising the advertising
The promoting of a firm’s advertising abilities to distributors.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
An urban area with a population of at least 50,000 that is designated by the Office of Management and Budget for statistical reporting purposes and used in audience measurement studies. This is generally synonymous with the former term Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.
The activities a firm practices in order to react controllably to external forces, e.g., setting objectives and selecting target markets.
Milline rate
Used to determine the cost effectiveness of advertising in a newspaper; reached by multiplying the cost per agate line by one million, then dividing by the circulation. Also referred to as Milline.
Motivation research
Used to investigate the psychological reasons why individuals buy specific types of merchandise, or why they respond to specific advertising appeals, to determine the base of brand choices and product preferences.
Mail Order Chains
See General Merchandise Chains.
A shipping form used by carriers for consolidation purposes, listing all pertinent information such as consignor, consignee, commodity classification, number and weight of packages, and (sometimes) cost.
Manufacturers’ Agent
An individual, generally operating on an extended contractual basis, who often sells within an exclusive territory, handles noncompeting but related lines of goods, and often possesses limited authority with regard to prices and terms of sale. He or she is sometimes authorized to sell a specific portion of his or her principal’s output. This term and “manufacturers’ representative” are often used interchangeably.7,5
Manufacturers’ Representative
See Manufacturers’ Agent.
The difference between the selling price and the acquisition cost (manufacturing cost in the case of a manufacturer and purchase cost in the case of a wholesaler or retailer) of a unit of product.
A reduction in the originally established price of a product, typically in a retail outlet. The reduction percentage is determined by dividing the amount of the reduction by the original price.
Markdown Money
Money a manufacturer pays to a retailer to enable the latter to put slow selling or obsolete merchandise on sale without absorbing the loss itself.
Market Niche
A protected segment of a market. The nature of the protection can vary. Thus a group of buyers may be particularly sensitive to price, to quality, to appeals through advertising, etc. Servicing that group through the development of a special competence can enhance the competitive strength of the seller.
Market Penetration
The percentage of a target market which is purchasing a company’s product or service.
Market Share
The ratio of a company’s sales to total industry sales in a particular market. Market share can be measured in dollars or units.
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.17a
Marketing Management
The planning, direction, and control of the entire marketing function, specifically the formulation and execution of marketing objectives, policies, programs, and strategy. Responsibilities include product development, organization and staffing to carry out plans, supervision of marketing operations, and control of marketing performance.
Marketing Mix
Usually refers to the four pillars of marketing management: product policy, promotion (advertising and personal selling), pricing, and channels of distribution. For the sake of alliteration, distribution is often referred to as “place.” Thus the “Four Ps.”
Marketing Research
A systematic investigation conducted to establish facts or to solve problems relating to the marketing of goods or services.11
The percentage by which a seller increases the selling price of goods over the price he or she paid for them. Conventionally, markup is computed as a percentage of sales price rather than cost. Thus an item which a retailer purchases for $10 and sells for $15 has a 33 1/3 percent ($5/$15) markup.
Mass Merchandise Chains
This often used phrase has no generally agreed upon meaning. Sometimes it is used specifically to refer to Sears, Ward’s and Penney’s. At other times it is used to refer to such national or regional retail outlets as K mart and Caldor, which are generally thought of as selling at price points below Sears, Ward’s and Penney’s. Yet another use of the term has it including large discount drug chains.
Matrix Organization
In the marketing context, this phrase usually refers to the assignment of responsibilities in such a way that one group of managers (including those for sales, advertising, marketing research, etc.) is responsible for insuring the contribution of specialized, differentiated, functionally oriented expertise to the marketing effort, while another (composed of product or brand managers) is responsible for integrating the functional inputs to provide effective marketing programs for products, brands, or product lines.
This statistic is the arithmetic average of all observations in a sample. It is calculated by summing the values of all observations and dividing by the number of observations.
This statistic is the observation which is exactly in the middle of a sample.15 Thus, in a sample consisting of the values 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13, the median is 8.
Merchandise Allowance
A short term, contractual agreement through which a manufacturer compensates wholesalers or retailers for “features” (i.e., advertising or in store displays of his or her products). Proof of performance, such as an advertising tear sheet, is an essential component of the merchandise allowance.21
The planning and supervision involved in marketing merchandise at the places, times, and prices and in the quantities which will best serve to realize the marketing objectives of the business. The term is most often heard in the retail, especially soft goods, trade.7
A business unit that buys, takes title to, and resells merchandise.7
This statistic is the most frequent observation in a sample.15 Thus, in a sample consisting of the observations 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, the mode is 1.
A set of inputs (often called parameters of the model), an explicit system or set of relationships for combining and manipulating those inputs, and the definition of the outputs which will be used to summarize what happens when a specific set of values for the inputs is subjected to the relationship of the model.12
Motivation Research
A group of techniques developed by behavioral scientists which marketing researchers use to study consumer behavior.7 These techniques attempt to identify the underlying purchase motives of consumers.
Multlvariate Analysis
A collection of procedures for analyzing the association between the values of two or more variables in a data set. For example, let us assume that a researcher undertakes to interview five people in order to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertisement. He or she might ask those people how often each saw the advertisement, what they remembered about it, and whether they felt it to be persuasive. In this case, the variables are frequency, recall, and persuasiveness. The data set is the fifteen measurements, i.e., five people times three answers per person. Examples of multivariate analysis include multiple regression, discriminate analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis.
This refers to the section of the publication, which denotes the name of the publication, usually the top section of the front page.
Refers to any mass communication vehicle used to convey an advertising message such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema or outdoor signs.
Media Literacy
The process of understanding and using the mass media in an assertive and non- passive way. This includes an informed and critical understanding about the nature of media, the techniques used by them and the impact of these techniques.
Media Mix
The selection of media to be used for advertising the client’s product, best suited to reach the desired target audience in the selected market, and for showcasing the creative message.
Media Reach
The size of the audience exposed to an advertisement through a particular medium (usually expressed as a proportion of the target universe) is referred to as media reach. It is normally defined as follows for each medium:
- TV = Those who watch TV at least once a week
- Press = The average issue readers
- Radio = Those who listen to the radio at least once a week Cinema = Those who visit a cinema at least once a month
Any media class used to convey an advertising message to the public, such as newspapers, magazines, direct mail, internet, radio, TV and outdoor is referred to as a medium.
Mock-calls are a classroom training to make interviewer ready to face the actual field situation. It aims at making the interviewers thorough in administering the questionnaire properly, perfect in recording responses and skilled in handling different types of respondents.
MHI (Monthly Household Income)
The total monthly income of a family is the sum of the incomes of all members of the family.
In addition to the main source of income, the following are also included:
Income from properties, rent, interest, dividends, etc.
- Regular contribution received by the family from members of the household who are not members of the family (paying guest/s sharing the same house and kitchen).
- Contribution towards household expenses received by the head of the household from members of the household other than/1members of the family of the head of the household.
- Contributions received from family members who are living at other places.
- Income from livestock.
Mother Tongue
Mother tongue is the language in which a person’s mother communicates with him/her during his/her childhood. If the person’s parents have different mother tongues, the mother’s mother tongue is considered.
MRSI (Market Research Society of India)
Market Research Society of India (MRSI) is a unique non-profit autonomous market research body formed by a large fraternity of research suppliers and users spread across India.
One of its objectives are to promote, protect, improve, market research in all its branches, and to promote the art and science of marketing research for diffusion of knowledge acquired by such research to advertisers, publishers and public, and like minded institutions.
Maillist (or Mailing List)
A (usually automated) system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, where upon their message is copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the maillist. In this way, people who have many different kinds of e-mail access can participate in discussions together.
MAN (Metropolitan-Area Network)
A data network designed for a town or city.
MMA (Mobile Marketing Association)
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is the premier global non-profit trade association representing all players in the mobile marketing value chain. The MMA’s primary focus is to establish mobile as an indispensable part of the marketing mix. The MMA works to promote, educate, measure, guide and protect the mobile marketing industry worldwide.
Modem (MOdulator, DEModulator)
A device that connects a computer to a phone line in order to enable access to the internet or other remote computers.
Mall Displays
Backlit advertising structures located at strategic points in shopping malls; usually two or three-sided.
Mobile billboard
A truck equipped with one or more poster panel units. The truck can either be parked at specified venues or driven around designated localities.
Media Buying Service
Specialists in planning and buying out of home media and monitoring field operations for advertisers and agencies.
Major stoppage point
A traffic signal, curve, bend, speed breaker etc. in the road that makes traffic stop or slow down, near the site.
Machine learning
Machine learning is one of the aspects of artificial intelligence which a computer possesses. The computer learns things by itself without being programmed to do so.
Mark up refers to the amount added to the original cost price which caters to overheads and profits.
Markdown is a reduction of original retail price of goods to increase sale because its not selling at the original price.
Marketing is a branch of management is a science which is a set of actions or practice of making a product or service desirable or popular in the target market. The ultimate aim is to get the consumer make a purchase decision.
Refers to planning, comtrolling, staffing, organizing and interpreting to create a product or service with the motive of earning profit which later becomes an organizational objective
Marketing analytics
Marketing analytics is mainly used to find the ROI, it is utilized for metrics study and practices to determine the roi on elements such as posts videos, landing page, website reach, ads performance etc. They are mainly utilized to check performance of the marketing strategy utilized and debug issues and improvise.
Marketing data
Marketing data is nothing but a draw data which are collected from the platforms like social media account or on the websites etc, which are yet to be converted into useful insights
Marketing engineering
Marketing engineering is an approach which systematically helps to harness the knowledge and the data and provides effective decisions in marketing implementation as well as with the new technologies available along with the analytical tools
Marketing insight
It gives us the results for the problems through the marketing analytical tools. These insights are very useful to take actions towards the business in the marketing sector
Marketing qualified lead (MQL)
Marketed qualified leads or MQL are those leads which have the likelihood of becoming a paying customer compared to other leads. These leads are based on certain criterias.
Marketing strategy
It is used to strategically plan the marketing campaigns and also to find new ways to enter the market and also to expand our target audience and optimise an executive campaign
Mass customization
Mass customization is a manufacturing of product at a low cost in high volume for each customers needs.
A dominant brand, that is over other minor brands in the same range or business. Example: itc.
Merchandising is the promotion of goods and services that are available in retail store this encourages customers to purchase it.
Messaging is a form of communication which is used by brands to communicate the value proposition and benefits one offers. The perceived meaning of such communication is to help the target market know more about the brand.
Metrics are standards which are used to measure something.
Minimum advertised price
Minimum advertised price is a pre decided minimum price that doesn’t permit resellers to advertise prices below a specific amount.
Mobile data analytics
Analyzing the data that is provided through a mobile platform or properties like mobile sites or applications that helps us to understand the user interaction with the mobile sites and apps
Mobile payments
Mobile payment is a money payment that take place digitally through your mobile device or tablets.
MOFU (middle of the funnel)
MOFU or middle of the funnel is a stage where prospect conducts research and gets more information about a solution to a problem.
Moneyback is an agreement which guarantees customers money to be refunded on an occasion they are not satisfied
Monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
MRR or monthly recurring revenue is the predictable income of an organization which is predictable and reasonable regular. The formula for MRR is ARR divided by 12.
Monthly sale index
Monthly sales index is a measure of seasonal sales calculated by each months’ actual sales by average monthly sales.
Map pack:
The first three results that serves up to local business on Google serp results
Market entry
An organization which enters the foreign business market / setup of the firm in different countries
Market holding price
The additional and illegal trading charges implied so as to see the market can bear the hold market share
Market positioning
It is a pre designed exercise to achieving the organised objective
Matrix organization
Having more than one marketing accountabilities and responsibility where the work is divided in two
Media scheduling
Pre – designed schedule allocated for the media to advertise and send messages
A paid source to convey a message to the public through ads, tv and radio
A person who holds nationalist doctrine degree of one nation by succeeding at the expense of another nation
A set of data framed according to convey the awareness of the product or service
Multinational products
Products or services created not only for the home country but also having trading communication with the other countries
Multiple factor indices
An index originated by stock selection including two or more variables like volatility, momentum, alpha value etc.
Managed WordPress hosting
Web hosting optimizes specifically for WordPress, where the hosting company assumes several of the routine maintenance tasks done
Manual submission
Adding a universal resource locator (URL) to the search engine by themselves
Marketing automation
The use of codes to modify the given tasks associated with marketing activities and connect them totally to different elements of the marketing funnel
Marketing plan
The part of the business plan that is outlining the marketing strategies for a product or service
Media kit
A resource created by a publisher to assist prospective ad buyers to appraise advertising opportunities
Meta search engine
A search engine that displays results from multiple search engines
Meta tag generator
A tool that gets the output of meta tags based on the information of input pages
Meta tags
Tags to explain varies aspects a online web pages
Found in the source code of each web page, meta tags are sets of instructions and/or identifiers search engines read that describe the content included on your web page. Search engines use meta tags when calculating your web site’s ultimate placement. There are two commonly used meta tags, the description and the keyword tags.
A moderator at a forum, someone who is entrusted by the administrator to assist discussions to keep it productive and within the guidelines.
The use of browser tricks in a shot to keep a visitor captured at a web site, typically by disabling the “back” button or by generating recursively the pop-up window constantly
Multivariate testing
It is a method in the marketing research locality where multiple variables in a control scenario are simultaneously changed and ensuing alternate strategies are tested, so as to improve the effectiveness of the final marketing strategies