Random sample
A sample taken from any given population in which each person maintains equal chances of being selected.
A research sample where every person in the target population has equal chance of selection and represents one section of the universe in terms of any of the demographic variables such as SEC, age, gender etc.
- The amount charged by a communications medium to an advertiser based on per unit of space or time purchased. The rate may vary from national to local campaigns, or may be a fixed rate.
- To estimate a particular media’s audience size based on a research sample.
The quoted or printed cost of out of home advertising, usually stated for a total program GRP level on a per week or month basis.
Rating point
- In television, one percentage of all TV households who are viewing a particular station at a given time.
- In radio, one percentage of all listeners who are listening to a particular station at a given time. Both instances vary depending on time of day.
- The estimated number of individuals in the audience of a broadcast that is reached at least once during a specific period of time.
- Also applies to Outdoor advertising audiences.
- Formal acknowledgment given by a communications medium to an advertising agency to recognize that agency as being bona fide, competent, and ethical; therefore, entitled to discounts.
- The ability of research subjects to recall a particular ad or campaign when they see or hear it.
Reference group
A group of people or organization of which an individual respects, identifies with, or aspires to join, e.g., membership or associative groups.
Referral premium
A premium offered to customers for helping sell a product or service to a friend or acquaintance.
Register marks
Indicator symbols located in the margins of negatives to be used as guides for perfect registration.
Remnant Space
Discounted magazine space which is sold to help fill regional editions of the publication.
Renewal rate
The percentage of individuals that renew their print media subscriptions to extend beyond the previous expiration date.
Rep or Representative
A person who solicits advertising space on behalf of a particular medium.
A sum paid to a performer on a TV or radio commercial each time it is run, and is usually established by AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) or SAG (Screen Actors Guild) contract.
Refers to the clarity of a television image as received by a set.
Restricted line
Sales items that are not legally sold in certain geographic areas, or only under special legal restrictions.
Retail advertising
Advertising which promotes local merchandisers’ goods and services. Also referred to as Local Advertising.
Retail trading zone
Defined by the Audit Bureau of Circulation as the area beyond an urban area whose residents regularly trade with retail merchants within the urban area.
To alter photographs, artwork, or film to emphasize or introduce desired features and also to eliminate unwanted ones.
A very rough rendition of a proposed commercial, composed of images and sounds borrowed (ripped- off) from other commercials or broadcast materials.
Road block
A method of scheduling broadcast commercials to obtain maximum reach by simultaneously showing the identical advertisement on several different stations.
Romance card
Written material that accompanies an advertising specialty, providing information about the product and its background.
A magazine supplement that is printed by a gravure process, and run on a rotary press. This process is useful for large runs of pictorial effects.
The process of using live and animated characters within an advertisement.
An unfinished layout of an ad which shows only a general conception to be presented for analysis, criticism, and approval.
Rough cut
A preliminary arrangement of film or tape shots that are roughly edited together without voice-over or music to serve purpose in the early stages of editing.
Run-of-press (ROP)
A newspaper publisher’s option to place an ad anywhere in the publication that they choose, as opposed to Preferred position. Also referred to as Run-of paper.
Run-of-schedule (ROS)
A station’s option to place a commercial in any time slot that they choose.
Rough, unedited prints of a commercial to be used for editing purposes. Also referred to as dallies.
Rack Jobber (also known as Service Merchandiser)
A wholesaler who markets specialized lines of merchandise to certain types of retail stores and who merchandises, arranges, and stocks the racks on which these items are displayed. Rack jobbers are most prevalent in the grocery industry.
The percentage expression of the size of a TV or radio program’s audience. An “8” rating means that 8 percent of all homes with sets in the coverage area were tuned in to a particular program.
Recall Test
A type of test the purpose of which is to assess the actual communication impact of an advertisement after it has appeared in the media. Recall tests involve finding persons who are regular users of the medium in question and asking them to recall or play back everything they can remember. The administrator may or may not aid them in their recall.
Trading sales for sales (e.g., I’ll ship my steel on your railroad if you purchase steel rails from me). Such arrangements can be anticompetitive and illegal.
Reference Group
The group to which an individual looks when forming his or her attitudes.
The return of part or all of a payment. A cash refund is just that; a merchandise refund stipulates that the refund be spent on other merchandise offered by the same seller.
A form of multivariate analysis which predicts a dependent variable as a function of one or more independent variables.
Relative Market Share
The market share of a product relative to the combined market share of the three leading competitors.
A term in statistics meaning repetitive consistency. A measure is said to be reliable if it consistently obtains the same result when measuring the same observation.
Replacement Market
The market for products or components of products many of which are already in the hands of end users but which have been used up or ceased for other reasons to operate effectively.
Resale Price Maintenance
The practice, legal prior to the repeal of Fair Trade Law enabling legislation by Congress in 1975, of a manufacturer’s requiring adherence to a prescribed price by wholesalers and/or retailers who resold its goods.
The periodic reorganization of the shelves of a retail outlet. The reset process often involves intense competition among manufacturers and their agents for shelf space.
Selling to the ultimate consumer.
Robinson Patman Act
This legislation, passed by Congress in 1936 as an amendment to the Clayton Antitrust Act, made it illegal to discriminate in price between competitors who purchase commodities of like grade and quality where the effect of the discrimination may be to lessen competition substantially. Price differentials can be justified if it costs the seller less to transact with a particular buyer, if the price change is based on changes in market conditions or the deterioration of merchandise, or if the seller is seeking to meet the low price of a competitor. This act is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.
Roll Out
The process by which a firm with a product offered for sale in a regional market, perhaps as part of a test, extends the physical distribution and promotion of the product to a much wider geographical area.
RPC (Readers Per Copy)
The average number of persons likely to be exposed to an average issue of a publication is referred to as Readers Per Copy.
Readers Per Copy = Readership / Circulation or Print Order
The average number of persons who are likely to be exposed to one issue of a publication is the readership of that publication. This is ascertained through a scientifically designed random sample survey, such as IRS.
Readership is defined in two ways:
1. Total Readership
2. Average Issue Readership
Unless otherwise specified, readership refers to average issue readership.
- The total number of readers of a publication (includes Primary and Pass-along readers).
- The percentage of people that can recall a particular advertisement, aided or unaided.
A measure of audience for a television or radio program, used to establish advertising rates.
ROI (Return on Investment)
A measure of operating performance and efficiency in using assets, computed by dividing net income by average total assets.
Roadblock or Roadblocking
A method of scheduling broadcast commercials to obtain maximum reach by simultaneously showing the identical advertisement on several different channels.
The approximate percentage of a target audience’s population who notice an advertising message at least once during an Out of Home campaign.
The number of different persons exposed to a specific media vehicle or schedule at least once. Usually measured over a specific period of time, e.g., four weeks. Also known as cumulative, unduplicated or net audience.
Reporting Unit
This refers to any geographical unit that is reported separately in the IRS Analyzer Software.
Right Hand Rule
Starting from a starting point, an investigator is to move as per this rule. As the interviewer comes out of the first household interviewed, he should move towards his right along the same footpath from the house he interviewed first.
Rich Media
Rich media advertisements are banners (or popups, skyscrapers, interstitials, etc.) which are constructed using dynamic tools such as Flash, HTML forms, Java, ASP, Shockwave, Javascript, or other languages or applications that increase the appearance and/or functionality of the ad beyond that which can be achieved with a static or animated image. For example, a rich media ad may include sound, a user registration form, a multiple page Flash application, or other more sophisticated media. Rich media ads usually command higher CPM levels than simple image redirects.
New media that offers an enhanced experience relative to older, mainstream formats.
Rail Advertising
Station or terminal advertising that is positioned in close proximity to train tracks.
The recognition of an out of home advertising message by an individual or audience, generally based on a verbal stimulus.
Rotation /Rotary Bulletin
The movement of an advertiser’s message from one bulletin location to another within a market at stated intervals to achieve greater reach in the market.
Re-branding usually takes place after a merger or acquisition when an overall upgradation or revision of a brand takes place.
When a brands customers shift to another, it is always advisable to reposition your products to enhance its value in the minds of the customers. It is done by changing a products’ positioning in a potential market.
Real-time analytics
Analyzing real-time data and immediately providing insights of information that helps us to make quick decisions is known as real-time analytics
Relevant data
Marketing analytics gives us the very best insights with the use of data so it is very much important to have a very relevant data that is the data must not be five years old to calculate the current statistics of customers interest
Request for proposal (RFP)
RFP or request for proposal is a formal business document which requests vendors and service providers to submit bid proposals during the procurement process.
Request for quotation (RFQ)
Request for quotation or RFQ is a business document which asks suppliers to share a comprehensive quote for the purpose of purchasing a product or an item.
Request for tender (RFT)
RFT or request for tender is a professional and formal process where suppliers and service providers are invited to submit a bid. This is done for the procurement of an item, commodity or service.
Return on experience
It is all about the return what is received by increasing the value of investment to the customer experience
Return on influence
It is about the engagement more than monitory returns. It is all about how well the social connections and interactions happened due to the web strategy utilized for the influence, has it affected the attitude and perception of the audience to take that action
Return on investment
Return on investment is analyzed by taking the data of investment as well as the return on it to know where the company’s position stands or how well is marketing sector doing
Return on investment (ROI)
ROI or return on investment is referred toa metric which is commonly represented as a purchase which indicates efficiency or profitability of investments. This is computed by dividing return by cost of investment.
A forwarded or reposted tweet.
Tweets with images receive 18% more click-throughs, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets.
Revenue is the money a business organization generates during a specific period or year or quarter which is also known as sales.
Right of first refusal (ROFR or RFR)
Right of first refusal or ROFR or RFR is a contractual right. This grants the holder the option to perform a specific business transaction with an entity before any third party.
Rule of reciprocity
Rule of reciprocity compels an individual to treat others in a positive manner with the expectation that the person will be treated int he same way.
Rate card
Rate card document description costs for varied ad placement choices.
It could be a document containing costs and outline for the ad placements choices available from a service sector like media outlet.
A document detailing prices for various ad placement options.
Information cards, provided by both print and broadcast media, which contain information concerning advertising costs, mechanical requirements, issue dates, closing dates, cancellation dates, and circulation data, etc.
Reciprocal links
Reciprocal links between 2 sites, typically supported an agreement by the positioning homeowners to exchange links.
The link between 2 sites, typically supported by an agreement by the positioning homeowners to exchange links.
A website’s position in the search engine result page. Ranking gets influenced due to various factors and tells that whether the website appears in higher ranking or not.
Rank brain
Rain brain is a Google core algorithm which determines the most relevant result to search engine queries using machine learning. The machine learning is an aspect used here which differs it from other updates.
Reciprocal link
Its an agreement made between two webmasters to provide a hyperlink within their own website to each other site, it is usually done to show a partnership between two sites.
It is an social news website and a portal where news are circulated and promoted by the site members.
It is a technique for moving visitors to a different web location than the one they requested. It happens usually because the requested page is not available.
A technique of word of mouth or recommendation from existing customer to others in oder to make new customers is called referral in marketing.
Remarketing primarily uses email to re-engage the past customers who have already done shopping from your brand.it is used by placing a cookie using a java script in the user browser.
Remarketing helps businesses to remind a website visitor of a possible intention to purchase, by putting their product or service in front of them again on other websites.
Real-Time Marketing
Real-Time Marketing is any marketing strategy that uses up-to-date information. It can’t be planned, so is spontaneous and is usually focused on current trends.
Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing is based on the theory that customers who love your brand will spend more money with your brand. By focusing on building relationships with customers, they are more likely to remain loyal and make repeat purchases.
In the Internet world, a registrar refers to the domain name registrar that manages Internet domains. An example would be GoDaddy. Another domain name registrar, Namecheap, cites they have over 3.000,000 domains.
Responsive web design
It is a way to develop your web in such a way so that it gets agile and get dynamic according to the preferable screen size. Responsive web design can be divided into further three categories: media query, the web browser, responsive web
Return on ad spend is a marketing method which calculates the amount of revenue earned for the money spend on advertising. It is similar to return on investment, you measure the revenue in return of the investment made in digital world.
This standard specifies how to inform the web robots about which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned and which URLs the crawlers can access to your site. r
ROI return on investment
Is a difference between net income and the investment. It shows the evaluated efficiency of the various investment made.
RSS publishing
Frequently updated works such as news headlines or blogs in a standardized format is done by RSS (Really Simple Syndication) in a wen feed format.
Reciprocal links
It’s a link supported associate agreement by 2 sites to link to every different to extend the web site traffic and link popularity.
Rectangle ad
Anyone of the big, rectangular banner sizes prompt by the IAB (interactive advertising bureau).
Any one in among the large, rectangular banner sizes prompt by the IAB.
Rep firm
Short for web site illustration companies, its a commercial sales partner specializing primarily in single-site sales.
Return days
The amount of days associate affiliate will earn commission on a buying deal or lead by a referred traveler.
Return on investment (ROI)
The term accustomed perceive the gain of associate investment i,e the magnitude relation of profits or losses to the number invested with.
Rich media
New media that gives advanced options like video, audio or different components that encourages viewers to act and have interaction with the content.
Run of network (RON)
Without the flexibility to settle on specific sites it’s a type of net promoting wherever on-line campaign is applied to wide assortment of internet sites.
Ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages on sites within an ad network.
Run of web site (ROS)
It’s a type of digital advertising contract usually implies that a banner or different style of on-line promotion will appear on any page.
An orientation of regional market given to the world-wide strategic market organization
Regression analysis
It is a set of statistical methods that is used to estimate relationships between a dependent variable or more independent variable
It is a person or/1a business that sells goods to public
The act of calculating the value of something again especially to give it the higher value than before
Rep firm
An ad sales partner specializing primarily in single-site sales.
Return days
The number of days an affiliate can earn commission on a conversion (sale or lead) by a referred visitor.
Return on investment (ROI)
The quantitative relation of profits (or losses) to the number invested within.
Run of site (ROS)
Ad of shopping for choice within which ad placements could seem on any pages of the target website.