Marketing terms with the letter A


American Academy of Advertising. An association of educators, students, and former educators in advertising.


American Association of Advertising Agencies. An association whose members are ad agencies.


Association of National Advertisers. An association whose members are advertisers, i.e., companies that advertise their products or services.


Accordion insert

An ad inserted in a magazine, folded with an accordion-style fold.


An audience-counting method, where each person exposed to a specific vehicle is counted once within a certain time period.


Transparent plastic sheet frequently used for overlays in ad layouts.

Ad copy

The printed text or spoken words in an advertisement.


Time periods immediately before and after a television program, normally used as a commercial break between programs.


A measure of readership averages for print publications over a two-year period, used as a baseline for comparing specific ads to an average.

Advance premium

A premium provided to a consumer, on the condition of some later purchase.


The manufacturer, service company, retailer, or supplier who advertises their product or service.

A paid, mediated, form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future. (This definition is based on the following study: Richards, J. I., and Curran, C. M. (2002). Oracles on “Advertising”: Searching for a Definition. Journal of Advertising, Summer, 31(2), 63-77.)

An organization or person who pays for the production, execution, and placement of an advertisement.


Advertising allowance

Money provided by a manufacturer to a distributor for the purpose of advertising a specific product or brand. See, also, Cooperative advertising.


Advertising budget

Money set aside by the advertiser to pay for advertising. There are a variety of methods for determining the most desirable size of an advertising budget.

Advertising elasticity

The relationship between a change in advertising budget and the resulting change in product sales.

Advertising page exposure

A measure of the opportunity for readers to see a particular print advertisement, whether or not that actually look at the ad.

Advertising plan

An explicit outline of what goals an advertising campaign should achieve, how to accomplish those goals, and how to determine whether or not the campaign was successful in obtaining those goals.



Advertising research

Research conducted to improve the efficacy of advertising. It may focus on a specific ad or campaign, or may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the information in advertising. It can entail a variety of research approaches, including psychological, sociological, economic, and other perspectives.

Advertising specialty

A product imprinted with, or otherwise carrying, a logo or promotional message. Also called a promotional product.


An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial, in a print publication. See Infomercial, below.

Advocacy advertising

Advertising used to promote a position on a political, controversial or other social issue.

Affirmative disclosure

A disclosure of information in an advertisement, required by the Federal Trade Commission or other authority, that may not be desired by the advertiser. This information frequently admits to some limitation in the product or the offer made in the advertisement.

Agate line

A measure of newspaper advertising space, one column wide and 1/14th inch deep.

Agency commission

The agency’s fee for designing and placing advertisements. Historically, this was calculated as 15 percent of the amount spent to purchase space or time in the various media used for the advertising. In recent years the commission has, in many cases, become negotiable, and may even be based on some measure of the campaign’s success.


Stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This is a historical model of how advertising works, by first getting the consumer’s attention, then their interest, etc.

Aided recall

A research method frequently used to determine what consumers remember about an advertisement they have seen or heard.

A measurement technique in which, the respondent is aided with brands/ advertisements as cues.


An artist’s technique for creating a smooth gradation of color. It is often used to cover imperfections in a photograph, e.g., in a model’s skin.

Ala carte services

Rather than provide all advertising services for one price, an agency may provide only the services that a client wishes to purchase.


Answer print

The final edited version (print) of a television commercial, for approval by the client. It may still need color correction, etc.


The advertisement’s selling message.


Television and radio rating service that publishes regular reports for selected markets.

Area of dominant influence (ADI)

A geographic designation, used by Arbitron, that specifies which counties fall into a specific television market. See, also, Designated Market Area.

Art proof

The artwork for an ad, to be submitted for client approval.


The visual components of an ad, not including the typeset text.


The number of people or households exposed to a vehicle, without regard to whether they actually saw or heard the material conveyed by that vehicle.

The number of people or households who are exposed to a medium or a campaign.

The total number of people who have the opportunity to read an advertising message.

Audience duplication

The number of people who saw or heard more than one of the programs or publications in which an ad was placed.


A diary kept by selected audience members to record which television programs they watched, as a means of rating television shows. Used by A.C. Nielsen.


An electronic recording device used by A.C. Nielsen to track when a television set is in use, and to what station it is set.

Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)

A company that audits the circulation of print publications, to insure that reported circulation figures are accurate.


Advertising time on radio or television that is available for purchase, at a specific time.

Average Audience (AA)

The number of homes or persons tuned to a television program during an average minute, or the number of persons who viewed an average issue of a print publication.


Any form of paid or public service presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by a sponsor.7 Though “word of mouth” advertising (in which consumers tell one another about their experiences with a product or service) is a well-known phenomenon, advertising usually takes the form of mass (as opposed to interpersonal) communication. That is, the advertiser buys space or time to get a message across to a large number of people whom no one from his or her organization may know or interact with. The defining characteristic of advertising can be said to be its persuasive nature. It is not disinterested dissemination of information. Rather, it is designed to convince those exposed to it of the merits of what is being sold.

Advertising Agency Commission

The percentage of advertising costs earned by advertising agencies for their services to advertisers. Standard practice has traditionally set this commission at 15 percent of gross media expenditures (time, talent, facilities, space, etc.) and

17.65 percent of net advertising production expenses for art work, photography, typesetting, engravings, etc.2 These “standard” figures are, however, often subject to negotiation.


The market which is created by the need for new component parts for a finished product already in use. The sale of automobile tires, batteries, and air filters is an example.


A person or business unit which negotiates purchases or sales or both but which does not take title to the goods in which it deals. Agents commonly receive remuneration in the form of a commission or fee. They do not usually represent both buyer and seller in the same transaction.7 Agents are similar to brokers except that agents tend to have long term relationships with their principals whereas brokers, in general, do not.

All Commodity Rate

In transportation, a rate applicable regardless of the nature of the commoditiesshipped.19

All Commodity Volume

One way in which manufacturers whose products are distributed through supermarkets and other food stores evaluate the effectiveness of their distribution systems. “Eighty five percent of ACV,” for example, means that a product is distributed in stores which represent 85 percent of the sales volume of all food store products in an area. It does not mean that the product is carried by 85 percent of the stores in an area.


The buying and selling of the same commodity, security, or foreign exchange at the same time but in two or more different markets to take advantage of differences in the prices of the item in question in the markets.19


A market research service owned by SAMI/Burke, Arbitron specializes in measuring local radio and TV audiences through a paid, diary panel. Audience is estimated in 15 minute blocks of time.15


Offering an article to the highest of several bidders.19


Audits track the movement of products to give manufacturers the most current sales information possible. The two most important are Nielsen and SAMI. Nielsen monitors retail product movement through an audit of beginning and ending inventory plus purchases. SAMI is a middleman audit, monitoring warehouse withdrawals through estimates of shipments from warehouses to retail stores.15

Audited Circulation – Circulation that has been verified, usually by an independent company. The auditing company should be nationally or internationally recognized, and the audit period must be as upto date as possible. In India, print readership is verified by the ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation).

Average Net Paid Circulation

Refers to the number of periodical sold over a period of time divided by the number of issues published.

ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation)

An organization with publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies as its members, formed for the purpose of certifying circulation figures of its member magazines and newspapers, which have been audited by recognized professional accounting firms. Reports are released once in six months.


Paid for advertising produced in the editorial style of the magazine or newspaper in which it appears on the proviso that it is clearly entitled for “Advertisement” or “Promotion”.

AAAI (Advertising Agencies Association of India)

The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) is the official, national organization of advertising agencies. It was formed to promote their interests so that they continue to make an essential and ever-increasing contribution to the nation. One of its objectives is to benefit Indian consumers and to protect their interests by helping ensure that advertising is honest and in good taste.


A method of counting audiences wherein each person exposed to a vehicle is counted once, in a given time period (also known as cumulative reach).


A term commonly used within the advertising business to refer to the corporate entity employing an advertising agency.

Agency of Record (AOR)

An advertising agency that coordinates an advertiser’s promotion of several products handled by more than a single agency.


A defined mathematical process that leads to an assured development of a desired output from a given input.

ASCI (Advertising Standard Council of India)

Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) is a self-regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry. Its main objective is to promote responsible advertising thus enhancing the public’s confidence in Advertising.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

This is the default worldwide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, punctuation etc. There are 128 standard ASCII codes each of which can be represented by a 7 digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111.

Audience Flow

The movement of the audience between programs and stations. By scheduling programs consecutively that appeal to similar audiences, the networks and local stations try to maintain the same audience across time slots. Awareness raising is often the aim of a campaign and is expressed as a percentage of the target audience. There are two types of awareness: spontaneous or aided.

AOTS or Average OTS

Average number of times a consumer is likely to be exposed to a message in any medium or media (typically expected to be the level at which campaigns are effective).


Penetration of a product, concept or advertisement into the conscious mind. Awareness-raising is often the aim of a campaign and is expressed as a percentage of the target audience. There are two types of awareness: spontaneous or aided.


The objective is to impart field training to the interviewer so that they become perfect in understanding the sampling methodology involved in the study, administering the questionnaire and in recording the responses.

Ad Network

Ad networks (advertising network, banner network, online ad network) are advertising companies which administer ad sales, billing, serving and collection for web sites. Ad networks often aggregate sites into specific categories or demographic groups, then sell ad inventory to advertisers either to specific sites within the networks, specific categories or demographics, or via run of network buys which target sites within the network.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

ADSL line is where the upload speed is different from the download speed. Usually the download speed is much greater.

App (Application)

Short for application. Application is a program or a group of programs designed for end users. A killer app, for example, is an application that surpasses (i.e., kills) its competitors.

Airport Advertising

A variety of advertising displays are available at airports, ranging from wall- mounted dioramas (backlit wall posters) to freestanding islands or specially built exhibits.


Arterials are major connecting roads within cities or between towns.

Audience Delivery

The size of an audience exposed to out of home advertising usually measured over one or more weeks. Audience delivery can be represented using several expressions, including: a GRP level, ratings or gross impressions.

Alternative Outdoor Media

Out-of-Home media that is used to create customised advertising programs, generally targeting specific consumer audiences. Alternative outdoor media includes, but is not limited to ambient media like: stadium/arena/speedway signage, airborne/airship displays, marine vessel displays, beach panels, ski resort panels, golf course panels, rest area panels, bicycle racks, gas pumps, parking meters and postcards.


Out-of-Home advertising structures are built for maximum visibility to vehicles approaching them. They are classified as angled when one end is set back more than 6′ from the other end of the structure as measured along the line of travel.


It involves a special treatment such as moving components, flashing lights, etc. used to gain added attention and awareness. Animation is more commonly used on rotary, permanent or spectacular type bulletins (laws permitting).

Availability (Avail)

The available media space for sale at any given time. It is common to all media.

Angle of the site to traffic

Angle of the site to traffic refers to the angle at which the face of the site is in comparison to the flow of traffic towards the site.

Average Daily Traffic Count

The outdoor audience is measured by the number of vehicles passing a specific site multiplied by estimated average vehicle occupancy. Traffic counts are available from State Road or Transport Authorities and estimates of vehicle occupancy for different types of roads are also available from the same source. All counts provided from this information should be for one-way viewing. Such traffic counts do not include pedestrian audience which may be significant when sites are within a CBD or at a retail shopping location.

Average Viewer

A respondent who claims to have watched a TV programme, the last instance of

viewing being within the reference period excluding the date of interview i.e. yesterday for a Daily programme and last seven days for Weekly programmes.

Average Listener

A respondent who claims to have listened to a radio programme, the last instance of listening being within the reference period excluding the date of interview i.e. yesterday for Daily programmes and last seven days for Weekly programmes.

A/B testing

Is also called split testing where one compares 2 versions of ads or landing pages or webpages or designs to see which performs better.

A method in marketing research where variables in a control scenario are changed and the ensuing alternate strategies tested, in order to improve the effectiveness of the final marketing strategy

Ab testing (or split testing) split testing or ab testing is an experimental concept which involves two variants. These variants are used for measuring plus conductive a comparative market response to can also measure that traffic or conversion rate for varied web pages which have similar content/information as well as goal.

Also referred to as split testing, is that the method of examination 2 version of online page, email, or different promoting plus and activity the distinction in performance. Above the fold the section that is visible on the highest half the net page.

ABC (Always Be Closing)

ABC is about strategizing. It is connected to the idea that all steps taken by the representative is attached to the end goal of selling.

A traditional marketing concept conveying the marketer should always be moving the customer to action.

Accelerated delivery

Is meant to deliver adverts to the audience as quickly as possible.


Accounts refer to a single point of information. It holds primary as well as profile background information of the client or includes information like contact information, preferred bundle of services, old transactions and all details relation to the relationship between the company and customer.

Account development representative (ADR)

A specialist which focuses on attracting, qualifying and securing new leads for higher engagement, conversion and nurturing is called an Account Development Representative (ADR).

Account executive (AE)

A sales specialist who has a primary responsibility for more than one customer portfolio is called an account executive. Their primary responsibility is to nurture and focus on company’s relationship with specific accounts and then paying customers.

Account-based everything (ABE)

Account-based everything (ABE) or Account-Based Revenue (ABR) refers to a coordinated framework. This customized framework incorporates 100% cooperation of care and management between customers plus key players involved in the process. The entire process of lead generation and after sales activities across multiple domains like marketing, sales, finance, and product development are covered under this umbrella.

Account-based marketing (ABM)

A strategic framework which involves qualified individual prospects or consumer accounts is known as account-based marketing (ABM). This framework is hyper personalized and very focused.

Account-based selling (ABS)

Abs is mainly for B2B selling framework. It means account based selling or refers to treating high value leads or high value accounts as cluster of new market in themselves. Each account is a dedicated resource allocation in themselves with multi point engagements.

Accounts payable

Accounts payable means an accounting entry which denotes a short term monetary also includes suppliers, vendors, and other service providers.

Accounts receivable

The amount of money which is yet to be received from customers is known as accounts receivable. This is with reference to an exchange of product or service.

Accounts structure

A planned sequence of steps involved in setting up a specific campaign activity


Insightful and workable actions for specific brands

Actual cost per click

Actual cost per click: it means that the winner of the bid does not pay the amount they have bid upon, but rather the amount bid by the second highest bidder.

Actual CPV

Actual cost per view, ACPV is often the amount paid lesser than the max. CPV bid.

Ad exchange

Ad exchange, just like stock exchange brings together buyers and sellers online in an automated manner to buy ad inventory. Real time auctioning for ad spaces on publisher’s websites happen in an ad exchange.

Ad extensions

Any additional information along with the ad content. Eg: giving mobile number or website link or app link or discount coupons with the ad

Ad format

Any form of paid communication which includes sponsored content, in-mails, text or display ads

Ad group

Is a combination of 2 or more ads with similar keywords

Ad impressions

The no. of times the ad is displayed to a user.

Ad scheduling

Choosing a specific time and day of the week to run your ads

Ad server

Is a technology space that allows you to host your ads and give independent reporting, analytics and verification of your ads

Ad stacking

This is when multiple ads are served within the same placement. However, they are stacked beneath each other so the advertiser’s message is often not viewable

Ad unit

An ad unit is one or more Google ads displayed as a result of one piece of the Adsense ad code


Adrank is the position at which the ad appears in the search engine results.


Ad ring back tone- it replaces the ringing tone with ad messages on your mobile device via caller tunes


Any kind of paid information by a company about their product or service displayed to the consumer on digital or non-digital platforms

Advert delivery

Decides the pace of showing the ads to the target audience.

Advert optimization

Advert optimization is the act of choosing what the advertiser would want the advert to do for them.

Advert scheduling

Choosing a specific time and day of the week to run your ads

Advertiser bid rate

It is the amount the advertisers are willing to spend on an advert to achieve the targeted goal.


It’s the new age lingo for advertisement. Also ads

They are the heart and soul of the entire marketing exercise which happens on the platforms

Adverts bidding

It is the way of Facebook to channelize these adverts and deliver them to relevant users

Adverts placement

It means it means that Facebook can place its ads on different positions on different devices.

Adverts targeting

After making the right type of adverts business has to reach out to the right people, it is critical for success.


Consumer experience of satisfaction or dissatisfaction after purchase they might spread word of mouth, this is called advocacy


AdWords is to create and manage one’s online advertisements.

AdWords conversion code

Conversion codes is used for tracking conversions from campaigns run through Google AdWords.


It’s a site where highlights the commercial offers made by an affiliate company.

Affinity audience

It is a set of audiences who are segregated based on their long term interest types.

Affinity score

It is decided upon how often the fan interacts with the brand’s facebook page.


It is a model to win customer it stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, Commitment/ Conviction and Action.

A good rule of thumb to ensure your communications, selling or advertising plan motivates the consumer to act. Similar to ABC.


This refers to debts being written off on a fixed schedule or spreading a write – down over time.

Amplification rates

It shows the number of shares or retweeted


Analytics is a branch of technology which deals with delving into derives meaningful patterns and translates them into meaningful insights such as analyzes, forecasts is also intended to improve business decision making.

Anchor store

Anchor store is also called as anchor tenant or key tenant, anchor store is largest store in a mall are shopping center.

Anchor text

It is the hyperlink text that can be either internal website link or external source.

The hyperlinks which can be opened by clicking

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) 

Refers to the contracted value which is often based on revenue models which are subscription based. They are normalized for one calendar year.


An event which leads to destruction

App campaigns

This is to be used when one wants to increase their app downloads or encourage people to re-engage with their app.

App description

Placing a unique value proposition and keywords in the description of the app.

App extensions

It is a link provided by the site by clicking on the on the app extension it directs the user to download the app.

App installs

This means when a user downloads and an installs takes place and the user successfully opens the app for the first time

App keywords

Are the keywords to identify to drive potential search traffic.

App title

Meaning the name of your app

App tracking

After the app is available in app stores, you can track your app data on the number of app downloads and user profiles.

Applause rate

Means that number of likes

Applicant tracking system (ATS)

An applicant tracking system or ats which is a technical looks like a giant excel chart which is followed to keep a track of hiring.

Application program interface (API)

API or application programme interface

Is the contracted value which is often subscription-based. The revenues are normalized for a single calendar year.


An application downloaded by a user in his mobile


It stand for augmented reality, is a technology of inserting a virtual object, text, image, graphics, audio or video on a real world situation.

Article promotion

It refers to attracting traffic by submitting SEO optimized articles to popular article submission directories.

Assisted conversion

It is the percentage of users who perform an action that is desried by the website owner.

Assisted conversion value

Is the number and value of conversions that the channel assisted

Assisted/last click/1is the number and value of conversions that the channel completed

Auction digital

Is priced based on auction, marketers bid in auction and price is determined based on bid as well as quality score.

Auction insights

It is use to see the information about other bidders who are participating in the same auction.

Audience analysis

Audience analysis is a method of gaining a deeper understanding on the existing and potential customers of the particular brand to improvise the marketing strategy

Audience details

Using audience detail, one is able to view their audience information.

Audience insights

Audience insights is a tool which helps the business to learn more about a certain set of audience.

Augmented reality

Is a technology of embedding or superimposing a virtual object, text, image, graphics, audio or video on a real-world situation or real world environment.


Is a website that is linked to by many websites

Automatic bid

The automatic bid id decided by facebook dynamically on an auction by auction basis.

Automatic bidding

It is a bidding option that enables the platform to auto-optimize bids for a campaign that is selected by the advertiser, and budget on behalf of the advertiser.

Auxiliary Websites/1Microsites

Are auxiliary websites, which are usually about a product or a service that provide a separate entity for a brand.


The average contract value or acv is an average revenue derived from a single customer. This is limited to a specific period of is called annual contract value when it is annualized with average purchase value or APV, when revenue is not derived based on subscription.

Average order value

Can be formulated by the sum of revenue generated divided by a number of orders.

Average Sale/Selling Price (ASP)

Average sales price or selling price refers to the average price of a specific product in specific markets or channels.


The consumer is aware of a brand, has heard of its name.

Ad blocking

The action of exploitation the package to stop advertisement from showing on online page.

Ad space

Is the realm on the net page on that the advertisement is placed.


It’s a discourse promotion service provided by Google. when you would like to position a commercial, you will publish it on various media through adsense

Advertising network

It’s a corporation which will connect advertisers to websites that need to host advertisements.


Affiliate is usually employed in the retail sector, one company becomes connected with another so as to sell its product or services, earning a commission for doing this.

Affiliate manager

Someone un agency manages the affiliate publishers on behalf of associate advertizer.

Affiliate promoting

Affiliate promoting could be a style of performance based mostly promoting within which a business rewards one or a lot of affiliates for every traveler or client brought by the affiliates own marketing efforts.

Affiliate merchandiser

The advertiser in associate affiliate promoting relationship and also the affiliate merchant is responsible for implementing a sales following system

Affiliate network

An affiliate network could be a cluster of associated firms that generally provide compatible or complementary product and can pass results in one another.

Affiliate software

A package that, at a minimum, provides following and reportage of commission-triggering actions from affiliate links.

Alt text

If a picture cannot be loaded, angular position text are displayed therein portion.

Animated GIF

A series of graphic pictures in a very loop while not sound with a hard and fast modified frequency that delivers illustrative movement.


A perform of email package that facilitates automatic predefined reply while not user intervention.

Absolute advantage

Production of efficient goods or services by individuals/ a set of group/ companies /country in lower costs


The change in something that makes it suitable for a new purpose


Marketing a product by having public attention


A person who takes money and does the work

Aggressive exporter

An organization which develops marketing strategies for what it intends to do in international markets


It is a study of human behavior

Area organization

Highly marketing oriented organization with stable product

Attitudes and values

It is a predisposition towards a person or object based on more culture values that are the precursor of behavior


It is a step by step process with set of protocols to follow

Algorithm update

Any changes made to an algorithm

Alexa (Amazon Alexa)

It is an amazon assistance device that any user can voice command to do various tasks


It is a task performed by computer repeated by which would be normally done by human

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