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Art therapy is a process of healing the mind and soul by doing creative work. Art has always helped people because of its invigorating nature. This helps a lot of people through hard times.

We have a quick list of few therapies below which can be explored:

1. Splash!

Smear the colours on your canvas! Be it  1 year-old or the 70 year-old, they all love to paint.

It sharpens your mind and thus improves your conceptual visualization and implementation as well.

2. Bits-and-pieces

We all are aware of the term collage. But just knowing the term won’t be enough, till we take some action!

What you need to do is, collect different coloured paper and tear them in desired shapes to complete your collage.

3. Songs to heal

Music is widely rejoiced due to its healing property. It is the most effective way for majority of people to cope with stress and anxiety.

It makes you feel more attached to yourself and helps you spend quality time with your own self.

4.  Hop-step-jump!

Dancing is also a great way of dealing with trauma. It doesn’t always have to be professional. You can dance freely in response to some music as if no one is watching. Dancing helps you release stress without much hassle.

5. Keep calm and meditate

Meditation is an excellent remedy for a distressed mind. It not only helps you regain your mental health but also adds a proper health regime.

If you are a fitness freak, then this is the perfect thing for you!

6. Castle of sand

Sand art therapy is perfect for beach lovers. Even if you’re not able to visit the beach, you can get yourself a sand art kit.

The kit has a box filled with sand and other miniature models of humans, animals, and other artificial stuff which would help  you create your own little world.

7. Greetings everyone!

Make greeting cards for everyone by decorating them with various craft material and of different colours. Colourful greeting cards can make one’s day if made with lots of love!

8. Open your mailbox

Writing letters to yourself is a very satisfying thing. You can write whatever you want. Your wishes, the things that you’ve always wanted to do, expressing your love for your loved ones and the ones who care for you, all your problems, all your struggles. This will help you open up and detach yourself from all your hurdles.

9. Hit the spotlight!

Drama therapy is very effective for teens. During  teenage, children go through a lot of emotional changes and phases which affect their mental as well as physical health to a great extent.

Teenagers do not feel very comfortable in opening up to other people so they need a way to express themselves which will help them restore their confidence in themselves.

10. Bibliofaction!

Reading books is a brilliant remedy for stress relief. Books introduce you to a fictitious world in your head where  you are the creator as well as the destroyer!

11. Write what you feel

 Diary writing is also a helpful way of dealing with strain because writing what you feel doesn’t require you to have people around you to share your difficulties with. This in turn helps you release your mental tension with your own help.

12. Scissor and glue

Art and craft is empowered to make up for an extremely bad day as well! Art and craft essentials need not be expensive, they can be made out of old and useless stuff such as an old paper or an old cloth.

13. Knit with love

Knitting requires a lot of patience and practice but once you master the art of knitting you will love doing it all the time. You can knit various items such as a pullover or a beautiful piece of clothing for your loved ones.

14. Welcome to the ‘80s!

Postcard designing is also a very creative idea for loosening up a bit. People used post cards in the earlier days for addressing themselves. But nowadays, modern technology does not require people to use postcards and hence they are almost forgotten.

To keep up that beautiful drift of using postcards you can start making postcards and keep designing them!

15. Sculpt your stress out

Sculpting is a form of art which is not much practiced by people. You can sculpt a figure or anything that you like using plasticine clay which is not a very costly material. It is available almost at every stationary shop.

It is a fun thing to do, both alone and with a group of friends.

16. Decoration for satisfaction

Decorate your room using your own handmade stuff and decorating lights. Using rice lights for decoration makes your room look really magical.

So go out and buy some decorating items and beautify your room!

17. Caregiving

Gardening can help you overcome your mental distress. If you are a beginner, then you can start by planting few plants and gradually increase the number as you start getting used to it.

Taking care of  plants will help you to keep yourself away from your worrying thoughts which will eventually lead you to a happier life.

18.  Watch the fire burn

Fire art is also a very satisfying thing to do. All you need to do is arrange  matchsticks in your desired shape and then light the matchstick at one end and follow the trail!

Fire art is slowly gaining popularity day-by-day as it is a new form of art.

19. Fun Domino!

Dominoes are small wooden bricks which need to be placed side-by-side in a beautiful pattern. When struck at one end, the brick next to it slants on the next brick and thus watching them slant one-by-one is a very pleasing sight.

20.  Let’s Tangram it!

Tangram is a type of puzzle which comprises of seven flat shapes which are required to put together to form a proper shape.

It is a very innovative game which keeps your mind all into it and doesn’t let it run here and there!

All of the above art therapy activities are fun to do and can be done in groups as well as alone. Art therapy is very essential for people who have a very hectic schedule and are looking for a way to let go of all their hassles. But it can be done even for fun and to be happy!

3 thoughts on “20 ART THERAPY ACTIVITIES”

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