influence of social media - amitiel consultants


Social media has become a powerful tool for building a strong employer brand. Social recognition media allows an employer to take advantage of social networks to spread workers recognition and demonstrate why and how it can provide the best working environment. The employer brand efficiently and effectively is one that has a very small difference between the internal (inside the organization) and the external also for the general public image.

The truthful employer brand is an effective strategy to encourage employees to “live the brand.” Previously it was restricted primarily to take advantage of the availability of employment sites for the recruitment drive. Therefore, little is known about what makes an attractive employer brand to employees, both current and potential. There may be several factors that are attractive to a brand, but not the other. There may be some aspects of an organization that can help it stand out, like, the quality of co-worker, teamwork, etc. that is often found that the specific attributes that are considered more attractive by the employees are completely different in each organization. However, the categories for judging an organization are the same in all organizations. These were employment, the success of the organization’s external image and product attributes or service quality that it represents.

Des Walsh gave 9 reference points for successful development and implementation of Social Media Strategy. They are:

1. Commitment

2. Culture

3. Market

4. Goals

5. Resources

6. Listening

7. Engaging

8. Technology

9. Evaluation

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